Thursday, December 16, 2010

Special visitors come to California!!

Around the end of February, beginning of March (can't remember exactly), my cousin and her husband came to visit from Virginia. It is always nice when they come and the family is all together again! Anyways, my cousin's (the one visiting) birthday is in March, so we were going to celebrate it with her early since she would be back in Virginia on the actual day. My aunt asked if I would make her a cake, of course I said yes! Her favorite color is pink, and her favorite flower are lilies. She also has a dog named Lou that she absolutely I wanted to be sure to get him on the cake. It was my first attempt at making lilies and it went pretty well. She loved the cake so that is all that really mattered to me. :)

"Lilies and Lou and Polka Dots too cake"

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