Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A New Year with more cakes!

So we're caught up to 2010. It is a new year with new and infinite possibilities! I was very happy for the new year. It was a chance to start fresh and make some new decisions. I had finally found a new hobby that I loved and was passionate about and was good at (and getting better). But I still had a lot to learn. I wanted to learn more and get better at cakes. Up until now I had taught myself everything and just pretty much did it my own way. My mom found out that they offered cake decorating classes at Michael's, so we signed up and went to class once a week for a month. The class was fun and it was great to meet other people who shared my passion, and getting to decorate a cake every week was awesome. However, I pretty much learned things I already knew from reading books. Although it did help with my technique and I did learn a few things. Here are the cakes I made in class :)

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