Thursday, April 28, 2011

Best Wishes to the Sweetest, Bestest, and most Amazing Friend in the World!

My best friend is getting married soon, I am sooo happy and excited for her and also because I get to make her wedding cake!! I have never made a wedding cake so this will be my first, I am a little nervous but I am also so happy that I get to make it for her. But before I get ahead of myself let me rewind it back to her bridal shower :). I wanted to make her a cake for her shower and spent weeks trying to come up with an idea for her cake. I wanted something fun and cute! I though about doing a cake about her HS days when she met her future hubby, or doing a cake all about her. But I decided to go a different way with it. It is a wedding/bridal it should have to do with wedding stuff. The perfect idea came to me! And this is what I got...I also made cup cakes to accompany the cake!. I loved her was fun, cute, and very wedding-ish!

"She's Getting Hitched Cake"

Tale As Old as Time...

My little cousin LOVES Beauty and the Beast, especially Belle. So for her cake Belle needed to be the center of attention. I had fun with this cake too and was excited to make it because Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite Disney movies. Belle was the cake topper with all her little friends right below her. I loved how the cake turned out and the charcters came out great favorite was little Chip. :)

"Beauty and her Friends Cake"

Return of the RUGRATS!!

So my friend from church asked me to do a cake, as previously mentioned. When she told me what kind of theme she wanted for the cake, I was filled with EXTREME what is this theme you may ask??? Well let me tell you a little about it first. This "theme" use to be one of my most favorite shows growing up, and still is one of my most favorite cartoons (no it is not Snoopy and Peanuts, they are my first favorite, this is my second :) It was one of  the most popular cartoons during the 90's but they stopped showing this cartoon and I was heartbroken (ok, maybe that is a little to over dramatic) I was quite sad...yeah that is better...sad. Can anyone guess yet?? I will give you another hint...but this is the last one...BABIES!!! I hope by now that you know and if not well I am going to tell you...RUGRATS!! When she told me she wanted a Rugrat themed cake I was soooo thrilled! I loved the show and miss it. I had so much fun making this cake and it took my back to my good old days when Rugrats was on. The coolest part about this Rugrat cake?? was for an 80 year old awesome is that!?! I was very happy with how it turned out espcially the characters...Chucky was my favorite so he was the one on the cake :D

"Those Lil Rugrats Cake"

THE CHALLENGE! Hold on to Your Seats....Ladies and Gentlmen...Behold!

This post does not have any pictures of my cakes. I just wanted to write and share with everyone where I am with my cakes, and to share something that I felt and realized after a crazy cake filled weekend. It is kind of long but it was an important post for me to share with you guys about the future of my cakes :)

Not long after my Shrek cake, I was asked to make another cake by a friend from church. At this same time, I had already planned on making a cake for my best friend's wedding shower for that same weekend. I figured I could handle doing both cakes as long as I did them ahead of time, after all I had done two cakes at the same time before and they came out good. However, a few days after agreeing to do this cake, my cousin asked if I could make a cake for another one of my little cousins birthday. I REALLY wanted to, but was worried that doing three cakes maybe be biting off more than I could chew. I felt bad though because my little cousin always asks if I am going to make her a cake for her birthday ever since I started and every time I make a cake for one of my other little cousins. Soo after thinking about it and figuring a schedule out, I said YES!!! I was actually really excited to do all three of these was a challenge that I wanted to attempt and conquer! This would also help me determine how I feel about this cake business I am interested in. I would either love doing cake after cake day after day, or find out that I do not like it as much as a career, but more as a hobby (doing cakes every now and then.) I spent about 5 days working on these three cakes, coming straight home from school and working on them with little breaks. First was the cake for my friend from church, second was my little cousins cake, and lastly was my best friend's wedding shower cake and cupcakes. I was able to pull it off...I did all three cakes without slacking on any of them ( I was worried that doing three cakes at once might affect the detail and work I usually put into each cake.) But I was able to put the same amount of detail, work, and passion into each individual cake, as if it were the only cake I was working on that week. This made me feel extremely proud of myself for accomplishing this challenge and it really showed me just how much I really LOVE doing cakes. I could do it day after day, maybe not forever, but for now at least. Who knows where this love and passion will take me or for how long it will last, but for now I know this is what I want to do. If you know me, then you probably know I am a pretty lazy and unmotivated person on things having to do with hard work (at least the hard work I do not like) lol ...but doing cakes is different, it not only motivates me and teaches me to work hard and diligently, but it inspires me, and makes me happy! It has its ups and downs, good days and days, joys and frustrations, but in the end, it is always worth it.

In a Land Far, Far Away

My cousin asked if I would my a cake for my baby cousin's birthday. Of course, I said yes! The theme of the party was Shrek....he loves that movie. So obviously the cake's theme was Shrek as well. I was extremely excited to make this cake, I love doing cartoon cakes. I wanted to go above and beyond just a regular cake like I usually do with characters surrounding it, so for this cake, I made a whole scene, including all the main characters. It was a very fun and frustrating cake at the same time, but it came out great and I was incredibly happy with the end product. :)

"Shrek's Swamp Party Cake"

Baby Joe Takes California

As soon as I got back from London, I was ready to make some cakes! My cousins from Virginia had just had a baby before I left for London, and they were coming to California to visit. I have ALWAYS wanted to make a baby cake and figured this was the perfect chance to get to! I was excited to make this cake. Since this was baby Joe's first visit to California, I wanted to make it kind of California-ish. So I added a palm tree and little boat, along with baby toys! It was a fun cake to do!

"Hello Baby Joe Cake"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What a Girl Wants

My mom asked if I would and could make a cake for a co-workers daughter. I went back and fourth on this cake for a few days trying to decide...of course I wanted to do it, but it was 3 days before I was leaving for London, and had soooo much to do. Nonetheless, I took the challenge and said I would do the cake. This cake was another fun one for me. She wanted a girly cake, just like the one I did for my mom's other co-worker with zebra print, and lots of fashion. However, I did not want to make the same exact kind of cake, so I put a different spin on it. I LOVED how this cake turned out!

"A Fashionista Cake"

Monday, April 25, 2011

Merry Christmas Charlie Brown!!!

I always make a Christmas cake for our family Christmas. This last Christmas I was trying to decided between two themes: a Charlie Brown Christmas or a Snowy Christmas with snowmen, reindeer, penguins and polar bears! Of course I picked a Charlie Brown Christmas (if you know me then you know how much I LOVE Snoopy and Peanuts.) I wanted to make the characters similar to how they look and what they do in the movie. I was happy how the characters came out, but I think the cake part looks a little too plain and boring. But overall I liked it and everyone else did too, which is all that matters to me :)

"A Charlie Brown Christmas Cake"

Go Team...Go Blue!!

My friend asked me if I would do a cake for her daughter's soccer team end of season party. I was so excited and so happy to be asked to do another cake, especially for her daughter because I have known her since she was a baby. I immediately had an idea for the cake...I giant soccer ball on the top and two soccer girls on the bottom holding the team banner. I later decided to add the names and jersey numbers of all the girls. The girls loved the cake and the party was so fun!

"Team Sapphires Cake"

The Lab Gang

My dad's birthday was coming up and I was trying to think of an awesome cake idea for him...which is VERY hard to do! I knew the one thing he really loves, our dogs, but I had done a cake for his last birthday last year that had both our dogs on I had to come up with a new idea. Last summer I got my dad this adorable sign that said "Beware Lab Gang" and had a picture of each lab, black, yellow and chocolate. It then went on to describe the characteristics of the dogs and the mischievous things they do. Both our dogs are labs (black and chocolate) and my dad's good friend has a yellow I thought this sign was perfect, and it ended up helping inspire my cake for him! The theme was, as the sign said, "The Lab Gang." I wanted to make a cake with 3 very mischievous dogs who were getting into trouble. Not only that, I wanted to make sure each dog was doing something our dogs had really done, for example, Averee (black dog) likes to dig and tear up blankets, Luke (brown dog) use to chew and tear up toys, and as for Drago (yellow dog and my dad's friend's dog) I was not sure what he has done, so I made him getting into dog food and paint. This cake was so much fun and my dad loved it...we did not even eat it because my dad liked it too much. :)

"Bad to the Bone Cake"

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Girl's Just Want to Have Fun

My mom asked if I would make a little birthday cake for her friend and co-worker. I never turn down cakes so of course I said yes! :p I was excited to do this cake because it was a very fun and girly cake. My mom had given her a card that my sister made that was hot pink and had zebra print, that she I used that as my main mom also mentioned that she loves to shop and loves I definitely wanted to include those too! It was a fun, little cake to do and I loved how it came out. :D

"Girl's Just Want to have Fun Cake"

Go and Make Disciple's of all the Nations

Every year our church has a missions weekend, where missionaries come together and tell and share their stories and all that has been happening. After Sunday church they have a luncheon for the missionaries. This last year I was asked to make a cake for the missionary luncheon. I was thrilled and honored to be asked to make a cake for the church and for missionaries! I had the perfect idea for the cake but I also had to include themes from the missions. The theme was "All Generations." I looooved the theme!! I was so excited to do this cake and had so much fun with it. I knew the main things I wanted to include: the world, a Bible, a cross, flags of the countries represented by the missionaries that were there, little people of different races and ages and Bible verses. I also made cupcakes to go along with the cake, just in case there was not enough cake to go around.  I loved how the cake turned out and to this day it is one of my very favorite cakes I have done. :)

"World Missions Cake"