Monday, March 28, 2011

Love and Paradise!

So I was asked to do a wedding/bridal shower cake for my sister's friend Ifeta. I was super duper excited to be asked to do a cake for someone who wasn't a family member or one of my friends!! Her bridal shower was tropical themed. I had sketched a tropical themed cake not too long before asked to make this cake so I was thrilled to actually get to make a cake I had already designed and sketched out! The cake was beautiful and I was very happy with the end result, only a few mishaps. Everyone seemed to like it and it went perfect with the theme and decorations!!

"Love and Paradise" Cake

A Princess Birthday!

Another one of my baby cousins Vivienne was having a birthday party. Her birthday party was themed after The Princess and the Frog which she absolutely loved and was obsessed with! I was not asked to do a cake but since I did one for her baby brother I really wanted to do one for her too! Obviously I knew what to do for the cake...Princess Tiana and the frog of course!! I had a lot of fun with this cake and was sooo happy with how it turned out and Vivienne loved it!

The Princess and the Frog Cake

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Trip to the Islands

A friend from church asked me if I could make a cake for his mom (who is our youth leader) for her birthday! I was so excited to be asked to do a cake by someone other than my close friends and family. This is one of my first cakes that I was asked to do and was paid for! His mom is Samoan, so the theme of her cake was island themed. I had a VERY short time to do this cake because I was out of town for a few days and the cake was needed the day after I got back. I was able to get it done though and it came out pretty good. It wasn't exactly how I pictured it to be and it isn't one of my best but for the short amount of time it is pretty good.
"Island Hula Girl Cake"

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Birthday and Graduation Parties!!!

This last summer my best friend Breanne was graduating college so we were going to have a party! It was also her boyfriend's birthday that weekend so we were going to celebrate that too! I definitely knew I wanted to make a cake for them, but since it was two separate occasions (her graduation, his birthday) I thought it would be difficult to combine it in one I decided to make them their own cakes. I knew it would be challenging doing two cakes at the same time but I was excited. Breanne's cake was all about graduating, and Lilly of course! James birthday cake was all the things he likes to do (rock climb, play guitar, bowl, and video games.) They loved their cakes!!!

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

My friend Kayla was throwing a going away party for three of her friends who were graduating and leaving. She came to me and asked me to do a cake for the party. The challenge?? Doing one cake for all 3 of them!!! When I make cakes I usually have a theme for them, but for this cake I needed to do something that would represent 3 separate and different people clearly. So I got information about each of them (their hobbies, favorite colors, favorite things, majors, ect). I decided that each section on the cake would be covered with things that would represnt the three of them. One the right side was Deon, she loves Eeyore, too bake, loves her friends and family and her favorite color is purple. On the left side was Jackie, she loves to sing, is an art major, she loves sunflowers, she is from Texas and loves country music. The back of the cake was Josh, he loves zombies, music, he is a film major, interested in law, and always wheres this yellow hat. I put those altogether and this is what I got! This cake was probably my most fun cake and I was soooo happy with the way this cake turned out. :D

"We Will Miss You Cake"